Monday, June 1, 2009

Smokey Eats Grass...

I recently purchased a new house plant to replace the one I let die.... Shortly after purchasing the plant and placing it in a spot where it would get the most of the limited light that enters my room, I began to hear a crunching noise at night... Smokey was eating my plant!!!

Caught in the act!!!

I even got him this pet grass to eat instead of the house plant- but he still prefered "my" plant to "his" so I had to find a new home for it (the plant- not Smokey)


Unknown said...

Arrrrraaa! Brings back fond memories. That is, of course, the plant material makes its eventual return to Smokey's outside!

Gwen said...

Yes- he has already thrown it up once... but it is really cute to watch him munch on it plus it gives his routine some variety...

greengoddess said...

Actually the "pet grass" looks more appealing that the plant.