Sunday, June 21, 2009

Misc Update

It's been about two weeks since I've had blogging time! Never fear- I've been busy crafting and creating. Last week I made a cake (using my Wilton Skills, of course) for a work colleague's birthday as per her request: chocolate cake, peanut butter fondant filling, vanilla buttercream frosting and covered with peanut butter cups- Mmmmmm...

Now for the real excitement in my crafting life... as you know, I've been experimenting with spinning yarn using a drop spindle. Well, recently I've felt frustrated with the slowness of the drop spindle process and have begun coveting a spinning wheel. Now, spinning wheels are expensive and I'm not going to drop that kind of cash without one, finding the perfect wheel for me and two, figuring out if this is something I really want or just a passing fad... Just outside of Minneapolis is a wonderful woman named Detta- she has a "shop" in her home with lots of different wheels (and looms and wool, and books....) so I took a trip out to visit. I spent three hours trying different wheels and have found one that I really like. Unfortunately the one I really want is not rentable... so I rented my second choice for two weeks to try it out and see what I think. Here is the Ashford Traveller....

This is the fiber I am spinning- a superwash (meaning it won't felt- see previous post- in the wash) merino (very soft) wool from the Fiber Studio in South Minneapolis

This is my first attempt- there were some consistency issues and my plying (twisting two strands together) isn't perfect but I'm really pleased with my first attempt- I'd say that there is about 90 yards of sport weight yarn here. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it though- maybe just keep it as a reminder of my first spinning wheel experience...

This is my second attempt- much better- I'm waiting to spin all of the fiber I have to ply this- I'm not sure if I'm going to go with two or three ply but I'm hoping to get it fine enough to knit a pair of socks with it!

Finally, this is for Els- your sweater orders are, in fact, in progress- I hope to have them done, along with Dad's Father's Day socks, when I visit in July!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fun with Felting

I've finished my first knitting projects ment to be "felted" or "fulled" One is a pin and the other a bowl. Here are the before and after pics!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Morrell Mushrooms

One of the spring culinary crazies in Minnesota is Morrell Mushrooms... I had heard about these jewels of the forest and had seen pictures of them but never encountered them. Now, as you have read previously, Smokey took up chewing plants so in my search for pet grass (without having to trek to a Petsmart in the suburbs) I went into my local, organic co-op and what do I see staring me in the face at the front door???? You guessed it, Morrell mushrooms... Now at over $30 a pound I purchased only three....

I sauteed them in a little butter, salt and pepper and boy they were worth the $5 I paid for the three of them... SOOOOOOOO good. I can't even describe the flavor as I've never tasted anything like it- I highly recommend that if you ever encounters these decedent little bits of goodness you get yourself some- they are definitely something to experience (but not to share!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Smokey Eats Grass...

I recently purchased a new house plant to replace the one I let die.... Shortly after purchasing the plant and placing it in a spot where it would get the most of the limited light that enters my room, I began to hear a crunching noise at night... Smokey was eating my plant!!!

Caught in the act!!!

I even got him this pet grass to eat instead of the house plant- but he still prefered "my" plant to "his" so I had to find a new home for it (the plant- not Smokey)