As most of you know I am in the process of moving from Port Aransas, on the south coast of Texas, to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now, I have lived in Texas for 6 years and have accumulated quite a bit of "stuff" and now I'm having to move all of it. Thankfully, I have hired movers who will come and load my stuff onto a truck, drive it to Minneapolis and unload it into my new apartment. I still have to pack everything. It sucks...really sucks. It sucks to find boxes, it sucks to decide what you can live without for a period of time (it really sucks when you've packed something at the bottom of the pile only to realize three days later that you really need it!), it sucks to live in a disaster of an apartment with boxes everywhere and it especially sucks to feel like you live in limbo! Here are some pics of the chaos that is my life currently...

In addition, there is a two week window in which they can deliver my worldly possessions so I may be without home comforts for some time. I have had to choose what to take in the car judiciously. Electronics, important documents, clothes, toiletries, a sleeping mat and sleeping bag- and a CAT and all that he entails! I'm just hoping that it all fits. This is the start of the "car" pile...

I will take some pics of "Moving Day" to post early next week- pray for me- for sanity and saftey!
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