I've been plugging along on a few knitting projects lately- the orders for baby sweaters keep coming in so I'm trying to get those done. Here is a pic of the latest one for Sam's friends...

I'm also working on some socks (as always) and a hat.
I've been up to my usual baking and cooking- I made mini cupcakes- dangerous to just pop in the mouth!

I've also been inspired to take another Wilton Cake decorating class. I've already taken Course 1 and taught myself Course 2 so I thought Fondant would be interesting... Plus it is at a reasonable hour on Saturdays in March. Now, I've heard that the Wilton Fondant is both expensive and tastes absolutely horrible. I've decided to make my own... there are some very easy recipes on the web for "Marshmallow Fondant". It is basically adding two pounds of sugar to melted marshmallows. It tastes great and seems to be quite malleable from my playing around- Hopefully it will work fine for the class. Here are some pics of the process- imagine powdered sugar everywhere!

Finally, while I believe I've weathered the worst of the winter, it is still cold. Here are some pics of cars frozen to the ground with icicles from the parking lot...Burrrr....